Welcome to my 2018 Lambing Journal
April 5, 2018 It is still 10 days until we will be on “lambing watch”. Until then I am trying to content myself with all the cute lamb pictures folks are posting every day. The first of the ewes are due around the 16th. Four lovely ewes are in this group, these ewes were bred using VAI this year. The current matriarch of the flock, Helen’s Girl , is a 10 year old polled black badgerface ewe, with a history of 15 lambs in her previous 8 lambings, twins each year until last year when she had a spectacular single. She has beautiful lambs, with some of the best fleece in the flock. She will have white lambs this year, as the AI sire, Krapi, is homozygous white. Her first twins in 2010, were also VAI lambs. She is a calm attentive mom, with lots of milk and an udder easy to milk as well. The next 3 ewes to lambs are all 2 winters old and will be lambing for the first time.